Monday, March 21, 2011

Congested headcold week in review: 3.14-3.20.11

On Saturday, I cheered my wife at the Irish for a Day 10 Mile. She had a fantastic race, beating her PR by several minutes despite running in cold conditions and 30+ mph winds. Smiles abound.

But in the two hours outside in the cold wind, I must have slightly compromised my immune system and/or picked up a bug from someone or something. Sunday the head congestion started in earnest after I returned from a 15 mile run. From that day forward,the week was a bust. I tossed and turned at night, drank water, tea, and consumed more cold meds than I knew what to do with. My mucous factory went into overdrive and shutdown my sense of smell, closed off my sinuses and turned everything else on its head. I'm still feeling a little off as I write this, and hopefully I can kick this thing before my mid-week threshold workout.

I don't regret taking the days off. Better to rest when it is needed than force workouts during illness and prolong the suffering.

3.14.11: 6.8 miles

[Big gap of no running due to head cold, general congestion, and overall miserableness.]

3.19.11: 10.57 miles
Run in sandals and at a good clip, too.

3.20.11 AM: 6.8 miles
Post-thunderstorm trot. No PM run due to congestion.

Miles: 24.17
Time: 3:14:58
Year-to-date: 370.3 miles

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